Rosanna B. Daep

Showing all 3 results

  • Memory Lane front

    Memory Lane | Rosanna B. Daep


    How often do you sabotage your own progress, your own healing just because you see someone ahead of you? How often do you give yourself proper credit, for all the things you’ve taken care of, for at least making this far? When will you embrace your own true self, your spontaneity, your capabilities? Be extra…

  • The Silent Scream | Rosanna Daep | 31Letters


    It rains the hardest when I only need some sunshine. Darkness then continues to fill the void within me. I could hardly breathe, perhaps I would wish away this mere existence. “Why is life that unfair? I asked myself in silence. At those darkest hours, I was wide awake fully contemplating how life’s treating me…

  • Memento Fragments of the Past Rosanna Daep front

    Memento: Fragments of the Past | Poetry | Rosanna Daep


    Vivat Veritas When the truth speaks up for itself, there will be absolute torture that will provoke all your lies. I hope you’re brave enough to seek an apology for reconciliation and peace of mind.   == Cream paper Matte Cover ISBN: 9-786211-002200