How can writing be practical?
Passion or practicality? This is the number one question asked when choosing a career path. With this economy, it is justifiable that people prefer to give up on their dreams and choose a career that would most likely feed the family. However, there would always be nagging in the back of our minds, wondering about the possibilities of succeeding in a career that we’re passionate about.
Just like most forms of art, writing is one of the passions of many, and to some, it will remain just a passion. Not all writers can successfully enter the mainstream and live off the money earned from publishing books. Most remain unknown. Hence, why writing is not a career that most people pursue. However, if you’re fortunate, some writers land deals with established publishing companies and, therefore, earn money off of sales and royalties. The probability is low, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Just like the words of the famous poet William Ernest Henley:
“You’re the master of your own ship: the captain of your own soul.”
Why not see how far your passion brings you?
How to get your books published?
In the digital age, where most people prefer to access things online, do people still earn from physical copies of books? The answer is yes. In the Philippines, a survey was conducted, and it shows that over 80% of Filipinos prefer to read the print format of a book (Haq et al., 2020). Another advantage of the digital age is that you can publish both printed copies and its ebook or epub format. So, how exactly can you get your books published? There are various ways of getting your books published. Below are some of them.
- Traditional publishing
You can try sending your manuscript to established publishing companies. If they decide that they like your book, they can publish it for you. The publishing company would take care of the production costs and process. The downside with this kind of publishing is that most of the time, publishing companies own the rights of the books and have control over most of the aspects of publishing. It is also difficult to publish a book this way due to the strict and high demands.
- Self-publishing
If you wish to have the rights and royalties to your own book, self-publishing is a way to do it. Authors have more control over the decisions related to the book publication. They also have direct revenue from their sales. However, authors pay for the production costs and oversee the production process itself. There is also a need for greater effort in marketing, as self-published writers do not have the same resources as those from traditional publishing. Most books are also distributed online.
- Hybrid publishing
If there is difficulty in choosing between the two, why not settle in the middle? Hybrid publishing offers the best of both worlds. Hybrid publishing companies, like 8Letters, offer services that allow your book to be “professionally made”, something that is often seen in books published in the traditional way. With hybrid publishing, you also have the same control as when you self-publish. Companies like 8Letters would also assist in marketing your book and in its distribution.
Writing Career Paths
If you doubt that publishing books alone will put food on the table but you’re passionate about writing, there are other career paths related to writing that you can try. Technical writing, proofreading, content writing, copyediting, and freelancing are some of them. Or, you can work for your “practical job” while also writing on the sidelines. After all, there’s no harm in trying.
However, if you’re interested in building your writing career, let 8letters help you. For more information, please visit or send an email to [email protected]