Short Story Competition

Press Release – Horror Story Competition

Santa Goes To Halloween: Win Cash Prizes With Your Spine-Chilling Ghostly Encounter Through The Indiependent Collective’s Horror Story Competition

This year, October’s trick-or-treats is leaning more towards the latter option as the Indiependent Collective launches its first-ever Horror Story Competition. 

The Indiependent Collective’s (IndieCo) Short Story Competition gives unpublished and underrepresented storytellers an opportunity to win cash prizes worth PHP 6,000, hone their work with a free mentorship session from a published author, and receive marketing support from IndieCo. The organizers will accept submissions beginning today (August 29) until the last day of September, 2022.

This short story competition is open to all. However, participants who wish to join for the cash prize must pay a submission fee of PHP 50. Doing so will make their less than story eligible for evaluation by the judges. Anyone is allowed to submit a story, and what’s even better is that there is no limit to the number of narratives you can submit! Each story must not exceed the 350-word limit, otherwise it would receive deductions during the evaluation round.


Let your creative juices pour out the tale of that bent-neck lady or the floating man you saw back when you were a child, and allow the ghosts to applaud you for becoming the recognized writer you were meant to be!

Don’t let that spooky experience remain just terrifying for you. If the spirits ever tried to scare you, go get back at them by telling the world how displeasing they look! Not only did you piss them off, but you’ll have a thousand bill in your pocket worth a hundred pumpkins you can carve!

Pay here and submit through this link:

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