I Wrote This to Remind You That… is a collection of short writing spurts over the years up to 2020, the year when things abruptly changed…
Only minor edits were made. These were all written on a whim on a day I lived in the past and in this year. I wrote these when I was in college, when I was hurt, when I was a fresh graduate not knowing where to start with no calls or emails from the companies I applied in, when I got hired, when I was healing, when I was lost, when I spent a vacation in another country with my relatives, when I came back, when this year came into view and transpires even now.
In elementary school, the things we needed to learn for an exam were called Pointers, while the things that we shouldn’t forget were called Reminders.
I have always liked the word. I need them every day when I would forget the essential matters in life. This year has definitely made me more thankful for the family and friends I have, to want to love people harder and deeper, and to give myself more to causes and projects I care about, as if my life could end soon (and in all of life’s unpredictability, this could be true). This year also nudged me gently to be more forgiving.
These reminders were written for my forgetful self originally, but now I share it with you in the hopes that you may be comforted somehow. These are in no way prescriptive; you may take in what you resonate with, and leave the rest to the wind. These are just little notes collected and curated with simple illustrations to remind you and me.
In case we forget what it is that we most want to remember.
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