8Letters Bookstore: Your one-stop shop
for all indie publishing needs

Letters make up words. Words make up stories. But what if we have an infinite of them? Then we’ll have more stories to read and tell, and hopefully, the world will become a better place. That is what we are aiming for at 8Letters.

8Letters, which was established in June 24, 2016, is our brainchild project where we aim to promote talented indie artists in the Philippines. There are endless stories just waiting to be told or shared. Indie or independent artists struggle to showcase their art in a very saturated market. Cindy and Marigold are here to help.

The Curators


Cindy started writing stories when she ran out of books to read one summer. After realizing that she can make her own stories, she never stopped writing.


Gold has been writing since she was four, having started with cute little ‘nature’ poems. They discovered she has a knack for fiction when she started writing for stage plays in school. That fueled her enthusiasm more, making her start her first novel.